Efficient Management of a Large Scenic Area with Limited Staff - Xiao Wulai Scenic Area

Remote Management and AI Recognition: Reducing Workforce Strain

Xiao Wulai Scenic Area, located in Fuxing District of Taoyuan City, Taiwan, is a well-known destination celebrated for its breathtaking natural beauty. The most famous attraction here is the Xiao Wulai Skywalk, a transparent glass bridge that hangs over the valley, offering visitors a thrilling view straight down into the depths below. Another highlight is the Xiao Wulai Waterfall, where water cascades dramatically from great heights, creating a stunning spectacle.

Given the vast area and the high volume of visitors, the surveillance system must cover a wide and complex range of angles and locations. Some cameras are positioned in remote areas, such as forest trails that require an hour’s hike to reach, making maintenance a significant challenge. To address this, the relevant authorities have chosen to implement the LILIN solution, constructing a comprehensive and reliable monitoring framework. This approach avoids the inefficiencies of a patchwork system, ensuring smooth operations.

Focusing on the core area, the Skywalk, which is a major gathering spot for visitors, multiple speed dome and bullet cameras have been deployed. The bullet cameras are positioned to monitor fixed angles and can be upgraded in the future with crowd-counting capabilities, aiding in park management and manpower allocation. Meanwhile, the speed dome cameras allow the management team to dynamically survey the surrounding environment, ensuring that no area is overlooked.

"Although the park's security measures are excellent, it's inevitable that some visitors may not follow the rules," said Steve Hu, Chief Information Officer at LILIN. "LILIN's electronic fencing system allows for flexible zone restrictions and time-based management. With the support of AI, it significantly reduces false alarms. For example, if a flying squirrel enters or roams near the trail at night, we can configure the system to avoid triggering an alert."

With manpower often limited in scenic areas or national parks, remote management features become crucial. All of LILIN's network equipment can be managed via the cloud, allowing for monitoring, firmware updates, and detailed configuration changes without the need for on-site visits. This significantly reduces the risks associated with maintenance.

The LILIN Pro App allows for remote video monitoring and device management.
Similarly, the authority doesn't need to staff the control room with too many people. The LILIN intelligent video management system supports event-based video review. For instance, if a visitor crosses a barrier one afternoon, the electronic fencing system will detect the breach, log an event, and create a timestamped thumbnail index. Later, when reviewing footage, you can search for specific incidents directly, avoiding the need for exhaustive manual searches.
The visitor center parking lot is also equipped with cameras and electronic fencing to maintain order in the park.
Remote (cloud) management combined with AI recognition is an ideal solution for similar types of environments. It’s also worth noting that many scenic areas use LILIN cameras’ streaming capabilities to broadcast live footage to YouTube. This allows visitors to check real-time weather or crowd conditions, and for LILIN cameras, this is a straightforward feature.


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