Traffic Management at Freeway Service Area

Adopting stringent strategies for highway infrastructure requirements

In addition to providing rest for travelers, highway rest areas in Taiwan serve various additional functions. They offer scenic viewpoints, local shopping, and regional cuisine, making them popular destinations for the general public seeking recreational experiences.

The newly opened East Caotun Rest Area on National Highway No. 6 is a crucial hub for travelers heading to the mountainous regions of central Taiwan. The area experiences exceptionally high traffic volumes during weekends, and as the only rest area on this highway, it sees a significant number of both parked vehicles and visiting tourists. Effective recording, management, and analysis of pedestrian and vehicular traffic in this high-density environment require sophisticated and comprehensive equipment deployment.

Bullet Cameras for Parking Area

At East Caotun Rest Area, the parking area covers nearly two-thirds of the site. The surveillance strategy employs a 'no blind spots' approach, with each light pole in the parking spaces equipped with two to three cameras facing different directions, ensuring full coverage of the parking lot. Vehicles that may not be captured by one camera are recorded by the next, enhancing the reliability of video records and improving the accuracy of traffic flow calculations.

Dome Cameras for Indoor Scenarios

Although East Caotun Rest Area is relatively small, its visitor traffic is comparable to larger sites, with bustling stores and full seating. The use of dome cameras proves advantageous here: they offer a lower invasion of privacy, reducing customer discomfort in the stores, and they also blend better with the overall design of the space.

In terms of deployment strategy, the focus is on wide-angle and high-resolution capabilities. The goal is not to capture distant views but to ensure clear and precise visibility within the indoor space. The Z7R6482X3 from LILIN was chosen for its exceptional low-light imaging capability, allowing it to perform effectively even during store closures at night. The Z7 series cameras' flexible and comprehensive AI functions also provide future-proofing for expanded monitoring applications, with traffic and pedestrian management being just the basic features.

Tracking and Optical Zoom:
PTZ IP Camera

Even without considering technological enforcement, LILIN's rapid dome cameras are commonly found across Taiwan's highways, especially at interchange junctions. It is not uncommon to see LILIN rapid dome cameras mounted on 18-meter-high traffic poles. The main reasons for the effectiveness of these cameras in such settings include:

  • High-magnification Zoom: 25x optical zoom capability effectively handles the extensive coverage required for highways.
  • Flexible Viewing Angle: At higher zoom levels, the PTZ functionality allows for precise camera direction adjustments to capture the target scene.
  • Tracking: AI-enabled cameras can automatically execute the previous functions when tracking people or vehicles with precision.

"One of the advantages of LILIN's product line is its ability to handle complex conditions effectively. Whether it's transitioning between day and night lighting, severe weather conditions, or high-traffic areas, the product line offers tailored solutions for each scenario."

The East Caotun Rest Area is lively during the day and beautifully illuminated at night. LILIN’s products ensure continuous, round-the-clock monitoring of vehicle and pedestrian activity.


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