Postpartum Center’s Baby Monitoring Solution

Each crib is equipped with a camera

(Note: To protect the privacy of the personnel involved, all photos used in this article were taken prior to the facility's operation and do not represent the actual scenes after operation.)

Ensuring that surveillance serves a beneficial purpose has always been a primary objective for LILIN. The baby monitoring solution implemented at a postpartum care center in Taipei is a testament to this commitment.

This well-known postpartum care center in Taiwan operates under a hotel-style management system, providing a comprehensive and serene environment that feels more like a retreat than a medical facility. This atmosphere allows new mothers to recuperate both physically and mentally.

The center is equipped with several facilities designed specifically for infants, including a mini swimming pool. However, since newborns spend the majority of their time in cribs, and it’s not feasible for mothers to be in the nursery 24/7, the center has adopted a "one baby, one camera" approach. Each crib is equipped with its own camera, which captures and streams footage solely of the assigned crib. This footage is transmitted to the mothers' room televisions, ensuring that they can monitor their babies at any time while maintaining strict privacy standards.
This setup requires a robust monitoring framework. For instance, if there are 30 cribs in the nursery, 30 cameras are needed. Any adjustments to these cameras must be made without disrupting the sensitive environment. Additionally, managing and streaming footage from multiple cameras simultaneously may seem straightforward with sufficient hardware, but it demands an efficient monitoring framework to maximize the use of software and hardware resources. This allows the facility to focus on its primary mission without incurring unnecessary costs related to monitoring.
(Images are composite representations for illustrative purposes.)

LILIN’s network cameras come standard with remote control and cloud management capabilities. Administrators can monitor and manage the equipment via a mobile app or web browser, check the operational status, and even perform remote resets when necessary. This level of accessibility is backed by LILIN's unwavering commitment to cybersecurity, ensuring that privacy is never compromised.

LILIN excels in delivering high-quality, multi-channel video streaming. The Smart H.265 encoding technology, which has been available for several years, compresses video to smaller file sizes, enabling more efficient transmission without sacrificing quality. This results in significant cost savings for both software and hardware, making the system highly effective.

“LILIN’s expertise extends beyond mere surveillance. Our advancements in video encoding, storage, and streaming are at a level that rivals industry standards. In terms of streaming performance, we could be considered the Netflix of the surveillance industry,”

The core value of LILIN’s product line in this deployment lies in its ease of management and high operational efficiency. This framework enables the postpartum care center to operate smoothly, providing a tranquil and comfortable environment for new mothers to recover.


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