High-Speed Cameras Boost Image Precision at UK's Forest Edge Kart Club Racetrack


* Image courtesy of FOXY RED photography; part of Stu Stretton Media.

LILIN were pleased to work with distributor CMS to provide an interesting system outside of our normal installations for Forest Edge Kart Club, who needed a pop-up system for use at their Race Day events.

These cameras were needed to assist with marshalling and recording the karts during the races in case of an incident that needs review, whilst also providing a live stream to the club’s website.

Forest Edge Kart Club is built on Ministry of Defence land, and access is limited to specified dates; with races occurring on weekends. The main systembarring a couple of agreed-upon cameras overseeing the outbuildings that would only be turned on during events – could therefore not be a permanently installed one.

Speed does matter

LILIN were presented with the challenge of creating a solution that could be easily deployed on race weekends, before being safely stored away, without requiring excessive setup or configuration each time the system was brought out. In total, taking the system out of storage, temporary installation and set-up takes around 2hrs to complete- tying in well with race day prep.

LILIN’s specialist, 120FPS cameras provided the high-quality images at high speeds that Forest Edge needed, and 9 cameras in total were used to cover the track. A Navigator Server, running NAV3.0 software, was commissioned to record the events and provide a frame-by-frame review facility for incidents.

Before this, the club had no way of policing the race- and so incorrect penalties could be issued based on witness testimony. Now, any false starts, safety issues or other disputes can be reviewed with members in great detail for a fair and accurate judgement.

* Image courtesy of FOXY RED photography; part of Stu Stretton Media.

Judicial hearings in Karting have always been a case of asking the parties involved what happened and written witness statements from officials to decide what happened.

Since the installation of the camera system, we can view and review clear video evidence and also show this to all parties involved.

This enables us to make faster decisions and allows competitors to review what happened rather than what they remember. We are also able to take video clips to save as evidence should this be required, which preserves the evidence for any future requirements. In all, the system has made the process faster, easier, and above all else, more factual.

Races, practices, and other events are streamed live on their website for their fans- a simple endeavour, as LILIN camera streams can be easily added to OBS software, compiling multiple camera streams and other sources into one view.

Forest Edge are very pleased with the solution- when asked about his experiences with the cameras, chief operator Michael Parsons said “The LILIN cameras are the key component in our system and have fully met our exacting requirements; we would highly recommend it for any similar applications. The ZFR8122 cameras were selected for their excellent optical quality with 120fps and durability in an outdoor setting where reliability is paramount. The high frame rate was a key factor to allow us to slow down footage without losing quality and enables the kart club to maintain its position as one of the leading kart tracks in the UK.

They are hoping to deploy this solution at Kart Clubs across the country, impressed with both the quality of image and ease of operability they have with the LILIN solution. It’s a comparatively cost-effective solution that has proven easy to use- and provides quality video with plenty of detail and no latency. Wendy Ficken, Business Development Manager, commented: “It’s been a real pleasure to work with CMS and Forest Edge on this occasion, and to have a project that is outside of our traditional project scope and has required us to think outside the box and find a different purpose for our security cameras!”

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